Daily Reminder - Week 5 - Gratitude
My kids don't know it yet, but I am working on a gratitude scrapbook for them for Christmas. A couple of months ago, I found myself in a place of feeling pretty low. I felt like I wasn't doing enough to connect with my kids. I worried I wasn't spending enough time connecting with friends or family. I would become too quickly irritated by small misbehaviors from my kids that otherwise would have been no big deal. In short, I was focusing on all the ways I felt "not enough" and none of the ways I should be grateful for a million other things.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
I found this quote as I was browsing the internet and thought it was so true. If I could focus on the million little things that go well each day, I could feel less consumed by "not enough" and more consumed with "I am so grateful."This week, I want to challenge you to make a list of ALL the things you are grateful for with your kids (and partner!). Here are a few from my list:
- I love that you do your morning routine without arguing.
- I love that you work hard at school.
- I love that you make your own oatmeal.
- I love that you help with your brothers.
- I love that you don't argue about a shower. :)
- I love that you love me so well.
- I love that you say "I'm sorry." when you have done something wrong.
- I love that you are kind to your friends.
- I love that you don't obsess about video games.
- I love that you have a great jump shot.
- I love that you wash your hands when you come inside without having to be told.
As I thought about things to include on my list, I found myself thinking about some of the things other people complain that their kids do - that mine don't. But that I didn't really think about until now. I simply took those things for granted. My charge for us is to not be stuck in taking things for granted. It really stinks when people take things we do for granted and I don't want to fall into that with my kids or spouse.So this week, begin working on a scrapbook (or list if you aren't scrapbooky) that you can gift your children about the small ways you are grateful for their behavior. We tell them a lot about all the things we don't like that they do, so now it is time to flip that script for them! Have fun reflecting on all the great things about your kid!photo cred (pexels.com - Carl Attard)