Ep7: Kids these days... Need parents who notice small things

I am in LOVE with this episode. My amazingly wise friend and fellow kid therapist, Jody McQuitty, shares countless "nuggets" of information to help parents of teens as we walk through this COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Her experience and discussion here opened my eyes to new ways of thinking for me and I know it will for you, too!
As always, be sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook @MWMwithKids
To find Jody - visit her website www.noblesvillecounseling.com. 
Finally, a HUGE shout out to the YMCA of Muncie for co-sponsoring this podcast. Follow them on Facebook @YMCAofMuncie


Ep8: Kids these days...Need to be reminded of what teachers want them to know


Ep6: Kids these days...Rely on parents for guidance on POSITIVE changes!